Language Access Toolkit

What is a Language Access Toolkit?

A Language Access Toolkit contains resources about language access, resources for interpreters and training videos, the role of technology in language access, resources by service type, city models, and information about legal rights organizations.  The Language Access Toolkit is for organizations to increase their language access knowledge and the legal policies regarding language access minimum requirements.

Who can use the Language Access Toolkit?

The Toolkit was designed for individuals and organizations that provide services within the community regarding language access.  These organizations and individuals can become more familiar with language access resources, procedures, and rights. But more generally, this Toolkit is for anyone interested in language access resources and rights in Austin and for people interested in becoming interpreters.

What’s the layout of the Language Access Toolkit

The Toolkit is divided into four sections that provide information on language access.  The “Resources by Service Type” tab contains various resources for organizations and individuals about language access.  The “Standards” tab has two sub tabs called “Interpretation Resources” and “Training Videos.” The “Interpretation Resources” tab contains information about how interpretation can involve technology and how to hire interpreters for various organizations.  The “Training Videos” tab contains training videos for interpreter and resources about how to become an interpreters and just about interpreters in general. The “City Models” tab contains information about language access in different cities.

Where is this information coming from?

This information is coming from peer-reviewed journal articles and reputable websites that are affiliated with organizations or universities.  Citations for the research that guide each tab can be found throughout the web-page and the majority of the sources are recent.

What do you mean by Language Access?

Language access refers to everyone being able to access the resources that they need to access. Essentially, all resources and services should be in a variety of different languages, so all people can understand and access these resources easily.   Language should not be a barrier when trying to access these resources whether online or not. Language access also can mean becoming an interpreter in order to help improve language access for everyone and being aware of legal rights and resources for clients.