About Us


Community Advancement Network is a partnership of government, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations who work together to enhance the social, health, educational and economic well-being of Central Texas. CAN provides a unique, collaborative forum to enhance awareness of issues, strengthen partnerships, connect efforts across issue areas, and facilitate development of collaborative strategies.

CAN Mission

CAN is a partnership of governmental, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations which leverage mutual resources to collectively improve social, health, educational and economic opportunities in our community.

A Common Vision for Our Community

CAN works to ensure that our richly diverse community will be healthy, safe, educated, just and compassionate and is a community where all people work together to achieve their full potential and celebrate their lives. The CAN Dashboard, councils, planning teams, work groups, research and initiatives are intended to create a community where: 

We achieve our full potential.

  • We have the education, skills and opportunities to achieve our full potential and lead meaningful, joyful lives.
  • We have adequate income, resources and supports to live independent lives.

Our basic needs are met.

  • We live in a community where the basic needs of all are met.
  • We live in affordable and stable housing with access to open space and public amenities.
  • We have safe, affordable, accessible and reliable transportation.

We are healthy.

  • We live, work, learn and play in accessible, safe, clean and healthy physical environments.
  • We have adequate nutrition and achieve and maintain optimal physical and behavioral health.

We are safe, just and engaged.

  • We are free from abuse, neglect, crime, violence and injustice.
  • We respect and value diversity.
  • We are aware, socially connected, and contribute to our neighborhoods, individual communities, and the community at large.
  • We have the opportunity and willingness to lead by utilizing our talents, passions and interests to improve the community.