Person-Centered Community


At the end of 2014, CAN leadership observed a major theme arising from the “State of the Safety Net” forums and Community Council discussion focused on community challenges: that in order to improve the delivery of services and service outcomes it was necessary to modify program and services based on person-centered principles. This prompted the CAN Community Council to select as its focus area in 2015 and 2016 the identification of person-centered principles being utilized by local service providers so that providers in other service arenas could learn from real-world examples of person-centered care. The CAN Community Council published a report outlining the person-centered framework that emerged from the dialogue that occurred at monthly Community Council meetings and at the “Building a Person-Centered Community Summit” in 2016. The following are the person-centered principles that are highlighted in the report by the CAN Community Council:

In a Person Centered Community:

  • We prioritize the safety and well-being of all children.
  • We provide a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for employees and the individuals and families we serve.
  • We strive to identify and eliminate existing inequities, especially by race, ethnicity, and income.
  • We consider the impact that language and culture have on the effectiveness of programs and services.
  • We listen to our employees and the individuals and families we serve, and we give meaningful consideration to their input.
  • We base services on the needs, resources, lives, and schedules of the individuals and families we serve.
  • We build on a person’s strengths, resourcefulness, and capabilities and ensure that they are in the driver’s seat of determining what services or assistance they receive.
  • We help people find their voice so that they can advocate for themselves, their families, and their community.

Click here to access full report.

Person-Centered Community Events Coming Soon…

Building a Person-Centered Community: A Participatory Summit was hosted by the CAN Community Council on October 21, 2015 at the AISD Performing Arts Center. Service providing organizations, funding organizations, and people who are served by these organizations came together to consider what actions we can take individually and collectively to create a more person-centered community.

Click here to view the event summary (link to

If you would like to help organize activities to keep the conversation going about how we can work to create a community that is more person-centered, please contact Community Council member and current Community Council Chair, Ara Merjanian, .

Coming Soon…